In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (“LOPD”) and the regulations implementing it, in compliance with articles 5 and 6 of the aforementioned law, users of the website who provide or will provide their personal data are advised that this data will be entered in an automated record registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Users expressly, freely and unequivocally accept that their personal data may be used by the provider for the following purposes.

1. Sending commercial communications and advertising by e- mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other method electronic or physical, present or future, which allows commercial communication. These commercial communications will be related to products or services offered by the provider and by collaborators or partners with which it has reached an agreement to promote trade among its customers. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. In all circumstances commercial communications will be sent by the provider and will be for products and services related to the service provider’s sector.

2. Statistical studies.

3. Processing orders, requests or any type of petition made by the user through the company’s website.

4. Sending news about the website.

The provider expressly informs and assures users that their personal data will not be disclosed, under any circumstances, to third party companies. The user’s express, informed, unambiguous consent will be sought prior to any transfer of personal data.

All information requested through the website is mandatory, as it is necessary to provide optimal service to the user. If the requested data is not all provided, it cannot be guaranteed that the information and services offered will be completely tailored to your needs.

At all times, the provider guarantees that the user may exercise his/her rights to access, rectify, cancel or object to the data as stated in current legislation. In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (“LOPD”), said rights may be exercised by means of a written request addressed to:

1. E-mail:

2. Postal address: C/MIGDIA N.11 – CP: 17458 – FORNELLS DE LA SELVA – GIRONA

The provider has also taken all technical and organisational measures to ensure the security and integrity of all personal data, employing measures to prevent their loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorised third parties.


Cookies are small text files that are installed on the device you use to access our website. They can store the identification information of users who visit the website and the sites they browse. When the user (you in this case) visits us again, we read the cookies to recognise you and remember your preferences and browsing configuration. If a user does not authorise the use of cookies, some website features or services may not be available.

We want our website to offer a good service and be easy to use. Our goal is to offer customised products and services. In this respect, cookies allow us to:

Identify registered users when you return to the site so you can retrieve the results of your previous activity and view your old invoices.

Save time by not asking you to re-enter the same information.

Protect your security by checking your login details.

Some cookies from external sources are employed to

analyse statistically the information that users access from our site. Data collected may include your browser activity when you visit us, the route you use to navigate the site, information from your internet provider, the number of times you access our site and your behaviour on it (pages visited, forms completed, etc.).

They can also identify users that visit us following an invitation from a partner site or a sponsored link.

You may withdraw your consent to the use of these cookies by deleting them from the options offered by your browser.

To receive additional information about the activity of companies advertising on the internet and how to remove your data from their records, visit

This website uses the following cookies:

Google Analytics to obtain and analyse users’ browsing habits. For more information see

To opt out of the collection of data for analytical purposes by Google Analytics, you can go to

WordPress to obtain and analyse users’ browsing habits.

You can configure your browser to inform you in advance of the possible installation of cookies. You can also opt for them to be automatically deleted once the browser, computer or device is switched off. Further information on how to do this can be found at:

For Firefox:

For Chrome:

Para Explorer:

For Safari:

For Safari para IOS:

For Opera: IP

The website’s servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number which is automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the internet. All of this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity log which allows subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain statistical measurements showing the number of printouts, the number of visits made to the site’s services, the order of visits, point of access, etc.


The website uses information security techniques that are generally accepted by the industry, including firewalls, access control procedures and encryption mechanisms to prevent unauthorised access to data. For this purpose, the user/customer accepts that the service provider may obtain data in order to authenticate access controls.

All contracting processes and those that involve providing high-level personal data, (health, political views, etc.), will always be sent through a secure communications protocol (https://…) so that no third parties will be able to access the information sent electronically.

Registered address: TRADESMA 2002 S.L

Trading name: TRADESMA

Registered address: C/MIGDIA N.11 – CP: 17458 – FORNELLS DE LA SELVA – GIRONA

Tax ID number: B17704305

